How to Care for New Dental Implants

How to Care for New Dental Implants 

Dental implants come with countless benefits: 

  • They mimic the root of a natural tooth and stimulate the jawbone 
  • You don't have to worry about bone mass loss with an implant 
  • They look and feel just like natural teeth
  • The implant can last forever with proper care. 

So, understandably, more and more people are considering dental implants as a solution for missing teeth. But, if you really want to reap all the benefits that implants can offer, it's important to learn how to take proper care of them. 

Here are some tips that you should keep in mind:

Tips for Caring for Your Dental Implants 

Here are some simple tips that can help you prolong the longevity of your implants:

  • Establish a Good Oral Hygiene Routine 

The implant and crown in themselves cannot be affected by decay, but the gums and surrounding tissues can. And, gum disease is one of the main causes of implant failure. The simplest way to avoid this is by brushing and flossing your teeth every day. Brush your teeth in the morning and at night and floss every night before going to bed. 

  • Go to Regular Dental Visits

While consistent oral hygiene is certainly important, it's not enough to ensure your teeth (and implants) are clean and healthy. You should also see your dentist at least once a year, but ideally every six months. This way, the dentist can properly clean your teeth and remove any stubborn plaque and check for any signs of decay or implant failure. 

  • Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

A soft-bristled toothbrush comes with many benefits. Firstly, it will not scratch the dental crown of your implant. Moreover, because it's soft enough, you can use it to gently scrub and clean your gums too and remove any bacteria or food particles. 

  • Use a Non-Abrasive Toothpaste 

Opt for gentler cleaning products as harsh toothpaste or mouthwash can affect your implant and cause more sensitivity. As a rule of thumb, stay away from products with whitening agents in them or with intense flavors, such as mint. 

  • Avoid Smoking or Drinking Alcohol 

Tobacco and alcohol are bad for both your general and oral health. But, especially during the implant healing period, these two substances can hinder the recovery process. Smoking can affect the integrity of your implant and drinking alcohol can slow down the healing process. Moreover, people who smoke are more likely to develop gum diseases, a condition that can lead to tooth loss and implant failure. 

  • Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods

Hard and sticky foods such as popcorn, hard candies, apples, carrots, caramel, and so on can damage your implant. Try to avoid them or be very careful when eating them. 

Need More Tips? Stop by Our Dental Office for a Consultation 

Are you interested in getting dental implants and would like to learn more about the process?

The team at Pinewood Dentistry is here to assist you. 

Book your appointment now by filling out the online contact form on our website.