Benefits of Same-Day Crowns

Benefits of Same-Day Crowns

If you have missing teeth, or any broken or decayed tooth, you are probably experiencing pain, discomfort, and self-consciousness when you talk to others. A visit to the dentist as soon as possible is paramount so that they can evaluate your mouth and propose a dental treatment to restore your smile and oral health. 

Sometimes the damage is too big to be fixed with a filling. In that case, you might consider getting dental crowns. 

Usually, getting dental crowns requires several visits to the dentist’s office until the whole process is finished. 

But there are situations when having to wait can impact other aspects of your life, and you are looking for options that can help you right there and now. 

And this is where CEREC can come into play. 

What Are the Benefits of Having Same Day Crowns?

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics), or same-day crowns are teeth restoration procedures done during one appointment. But there are more benefits to CEREC crowns than having them placed on the same day. 

  • They Are Minimally Invasive

Instead of using the uncomfortable molds to create the dental crown, CEREC crowns are done after taking pictures of all corners of your mouth, and digital dental impressions are less invasive than traditional impressions. 

  • Long Life Span 

Same-day dental crowns can last up to 15 years provided you take good care of them and have a daily oral hygiene routine. Brushing two times a day, flossing and rinsing will still be necessary, just as with natural teeth.

  • All in One Appointment

The scanning, the designing of the crown, and the fitting of the crown are all done in one appointment. Unlike regular crowns that need to incorporate metal and require more time to be created, same-day crowns can be designed in just a couple of hours.

  • They Are Safe and Natural 

CEREC crowns are safe and reliable. They are made out of a block of porcelain or ceramic, which gives them a very natural look. Digital impressions have a very high precision which makes same-day crowns very reliable. And, they rarely need any readjustment. 

  • No Need for Temporary Crowns 

With same-day crowns, you do not have to wear the metal temporary crowns until the permanent ones arrive. You will leave the dentist’s office with a beautiful, bright smile. 

Are You Interested in Same Day Crowns? Call Us!

These are not the only benefits same-day crowns have. You can always contact us if you are interested in a conversation about this or any other dental topic. 

We are Pinewood Dentistry, a dental practice that focuses on providing state-of-the-art dental treatment with long-lasting results! 

Let us know how we can assist you and you will benefit from our experience. Contact us now and let's schedule your next appointment.